Pediatric Dentistry
in Fort Saskatchewan


Pediatric Dentistry

We offer comprehensive dental care for children ages 2 and up. In addition to providing high-quality dental services, we focus on creating an upbeat experience for your child. We want your child’s dental health journey to begin early with a positive, pleasant visit to the dentist. We are proud to offer caring pediatric dental treatment.


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Below is an example of a panoramic x-ray taken on a five year old patient showing both sets of teeth present and developing.

X ray 1 taken on Saturday October 07 2006 a6e05e9a eaa0 4e1f b6ef 7c6696e37df1

What you might not notice is the benign tumor that is also present in the mouth. With the x-ray and exam Dr. Kwong was able to detect this benign tumor early.